May the board pay travel and subsistence expenses?

Yes, but must use current Civil Service Mileage and Subsistence rates:  See latest guideline: P16 – Travel & Subsistence Expenses

Who qualifies for travel and subsistence payments?

Travel and subsistence allowance may be paid to members of the board of management, Principal, Deputy Principal, teaching and non -teaching staff for necessary travel required to carry out school business.

Our teachers and Principal are paid by the Department of Education, do we still need to report T&S expenses under ERR?

Yes.  Teachers, Principals and secretaries who are paid by the Department of Education are considered employees of the school and ERR rules apply.

Do we need to report ERR for board of management member expenses?

From January 2025, travel and subsistence expenses paid to board of management members serving in a voluntary capacity are no longer required to be reported under ERR.

Should a school have a travel and subsistence policy?
What are the most up-to-date civil service rates?

Civil Service Travel Rates effective 1st September 2022

Motor Travel Rates per Kilometre
Bands Distance Engine Capacity  up to 1200cc Engine Capacity

1201cc to 1500cc

Engine Capacity

1501cc and over

Band 1 0 – 1,500 km 41.80 cent 43.40 cent 51.82 cent
Band 2 1,501 – 5,500km 72.64 cent 79.18 cent 90.63 cent
Band 3 5,501 – 25,000km 31.78 cent 31.79 cent 39.22 cent
Band 4 25,001 km and over 20.56 cent 23.85 cent 25.87 cent


The Electric Vehicle (EV) rate is set at the same rate as that applying to vehicles in the middle category of 1,201 to 1,500cc. 

Hybrid vehicles will continue to be recouped at the equivalent Internal

Combustion Engine (ICE) rates and should not be claimed in the EV category.


Reduced Motor Travel Rates per Kilometre
Engine Capacity up to 1200cc Engine Capacity 1201cc to 1500cc Engine Capacity 1501cc and over
21.23 cent 23.80 cent 25.96 cent


Reduced mileage rates are payable for journeys associated with an individual’s job but not solely related to the performance of those duties.

Examples include:

  • attendance at confirmed promotion competitions
  • attendance at approved courses of education
  • attendance at courses or conferences

School buys train tickets for teachers attending a course is this reportable under ERR?

No, as school paid the expense directly it is not reportable under ERR rules.

School reimburses teachers for train tickets for attending a course is this reportable under ERR?

Yes, as the money was paid to the individual it is reportable under ERR rules.

Can a school continue to give gift vouchers to staff at Christmas?

Yes. Once the total amount gifted to a staff member in the calendar year does not exceed 2 gifts and a combined value of €1,000 it may be paid tax free, but ERR rules apply.

Where can I find a Travel & Subsistence Expenses Claim Form?
How long do we need to keep the back-up documentation for?

7 years (six years after the tax year to which the records refer)