Refer to Governance Manual for Primary Schools and FSSU website.
The Chairperson and Treasurer should sign the accounts. Where the Chairperson is not available another board member may sign.
As the board exists in perpetuity it is the board in place at the time of submission who should sign the accounts. The board members are signing in their capacity as Chairperson and Treasurer, not as individuals.
Indefinitely, these should be stored securely on school property.
Yes, the board may give gifts to retiring staff members. It is not advisable to give cash/cheque as this may be subject to tax. It is more appropriate to give a gift or voucher. The board has discretion around the amount of the gift ensuring that it does not adversely affect school funds.
Small Benefit Exemption (
These gifts maybe subject to ERR.
Yes, the board of management has discretion and should set spending limits for these types of expenses. These would generally include food, small gifts for volunteers e.g. flowers.
Cash should be avoided or may be subject to payroll taxes.
Note. Payments to persons for services e.g.: choirmaster should be put through payroll or a valid invoice sought. See here for further information.
Yes, if the board has not yet provided mobile phones to the Principal and Deputy Principal they should do the following as soon as possible:
- Develop a use of school mobile phones policy
(this would be similar to or indeed could already be encompassed by, what they probably already have in terms of their policy on use of IT devices owned/provided by the school) - Purchase the number of necessary mobile phones (with new phone numbers) under one of the OGP contracts
- If costs have been incurred to date by school management for using their own mobile phones for school business, these costs must be identified and claimed through the Revenue approved form included in the expenses policy of the board
- It should be made clear that once a school mobile phone has been provided, costs incurred where the personal phone is used will not be reimbursed
Yes. Where the Department of Education does not pay for the in-service day, the Board of Management has discretion to cover the expenses. Usually this would include the cost of the course and any travel and subsistence would be paid at civil service rates.
These payments maybe subject to ERR.
A summarised Financial Report for Parents should be made available in school for any parent to view upon request.
Yes, but must use current Civil Service Mileage and Subsistence rates: See latest guideline: P16 2023/2024 Travel & Subsistence Expenses
These payments maybe subject to ERR.
Travel and subsistence allowance may be paid to members of the board of management, Principal, Deputy Principal, teaching and non -teaching staff for necessary travel required to carry out school business.
These payments maybe subject to ERR.
If you have a query that is not addressed in these FAQs, please email us at