The board of management is appointed by the patron to manage the school on behalf of the patron. The board of management is responsible for all business carried on in connection with or on behalf of the school. To fulfil this responsibility the board are required to:
• Ensure that all legal requirements under the Education Act 1998 are fulfilled
• Adhere to the provisions of the Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2023 – 2027
• Submit an Annual Report to the Charites Regulator before 30th June each year
• Comply with the requirements of the trustees / patron
• Comply with requirements of the Department of Education and of the Financial Support Services Unit
• to prepare an annual budget to ensure that expenditure does not exceed income.
• Submit a forward budget to the trustees (if requested)
• Ensure that the annual school accounts are prepared, approved and submitted by February 28th following the end of the school year
• Ensure that the school is adequately insured
• Obtain advance written approval from the trustees for any hire purchase, overdraft or loan agreement and for any proposed capital expenditure

The board delegates the day to day management of the school to the Principal and he/she is given authority to act on behalf of the board.
More information on the roles of the board of management and their member can be found below.