Parents’ Associations provide most valuable assistance and support to school management, staff and students. As the Parents Association operates solely for the school, its activities are the responsibility of the Board of Management

The Governance manual 2023-2027 sets out the requirements for fundraising carried out by the Parents Association
1. The Parents’ Association shall consult with the board prior to any fund-raising for the school being carried out.
2. It is good practice to record the agreement reached between the board and the parents’ association in relation to such fundraising, including:

  • The purpose for which the funds are being raised
  • The manner by which the funds are to be raised
  • The timeline for the transfer from the parents’ association bank account to the board of any funds raised and the estimated timeframe for the agreed project.
  • The agreement should be recorded in the minutes of the board of management and the parents’ association meetings respectively

Further information can be found in Section 17.8 (g) and (h) Governance Manual for Primary Schools 2023-2027