Monthly Reporting Template


In this video you will be introduced to the FSSU Monthly Reporting Template.

Importing Budget

This video clip details how to import a budget to the monthly reporting template.

Data Input

This video will display how to record data input on the Monthly Reporting Template.


In this video you can see how to generate the reports available on the FSSU Monthly Reporting Template.

Bank Reconciliation

This session demonstrates how to complete a bank reconciliation using the FSSU Monthly Reporting Template.


New Features 2023/2024

This online training will provide an overview of the new features in the 2023/2024 Monthly Reporting Template.

Multiple Report Selection

This video will demonstrate how to run the additional reports within the Receipt Transactions and Payment Transactions worksheets.


NOTE: The FSSU have developed these templates for internal use for monitoring monthly income, expenditure, budget management, cash flow etc. The use of the FSSU internal templates is optional for schools who may wish to continue to use the IPPN Airgead Bunscoile/Financial Template, CPSMA Accounts templates etc. for their internal use.