What rate of pay should school use for Independent Assessors?
The FSSU does not have a recommended rate of pay.
How should a school pay an Independent Assessor?
There are three payment options:
- Treat as employee and put through payroll.
- Treat as self-employed, but require;
- Invoice with tax no. and invoice no.
- Person provides tax clearance cert.
- Person provides copy of their own business insurance.
- Pay expenses as per civil services rates.
See Financial Guideline P20 – 2019/2020. See also FSSU website for info on determining employment status.
May members of Independent Assessors be paid expenses?
If the Independent selection committee member is self employed and presenting an invoice, they may not be paid expenses.
If the person is not being paid a fee, they may be paid civil service travel and subsistence rates.
If the Independent Assessor is claiming a daily fee and travel & subsistence then both amounts are taxable and must be processed through payroll.
If you have a query that is not addressed in these FAQs, please email us at primary@fssu.ie.