Paid November 2021
The ICT Digital Divide grant is a one off payment

Enrolment Grant –


Grant DEIS
0 to 99 €5,000 €10,000
100 to 249 €8,000 €16,000
250 to 499 €13,360 €26,720
500 to 749 €22,311 €44,622
750 plus








School Library Books Capital Grant

Paid June 2022
The school Library Grant is a one off Grant of €21 per pupil
The grant is based on a minimum enrolment of 60
The funding being provided must be used exclusively to improve the schools existing literacy resource banks
It is not intended for the purchase of textbooks and should not be used to supplement the Book Grant funding
It also cannot be used for the purchase of fixtures and fittings for a library or for software such as accelerated reading programme.



More Info


Attendance Campaign Support Grant for Primary Schools


One off grant to promote regular school attendance especially children at risk of disadvantage
This campaign will be supported at school level by the department and the three strands of Tusla Education Support Service (TESS ) namely the statutory Educational Welfare Service (EWS) along with the two school support services, the Home School Community Liaison Scheme (HSCL) and the School Completion Programme (SCP).

P07-24 Financial Guideline DE National Attendance Campaign 2023