Can the ICT Grant be spent on ICT support contracts?

No, ICT grant cannot be spent on IT support or maintenance.

Can the ICT Grant be spent on domain and website expenses?

Yes, if there is any learning or teaching element to the website the school may use ICT funds.

How should the DEIS grant be spent?

DEIS expenditure must fall under the below themes:

  • Attendance
  • Retention
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
  • Supporting Educational Transitions
  • Partnership with Parents and Others
  • Academic Outcome (Post-Primary only)

The DEIS grant must be spent in line with the DE Guidelines on the appropriate use of DEIS Grant in DEIS Primary and Post-Primary schools

*Any unspent grant is not expected to be carried forward.  Given the broad scope of the guideline it is envisaged that schools will spend the grant in full each year.

Which grants are ringfenced?

  • Book Grant
  • ICT Grant
  • Special Education Equipment Grant ie Funding for a laptop for a special needs student
  • COVID-19 Specific Grants
  • Funding for an extension
  • Minor Works Grant
  • School Meals Grants
  • Standardised Testing Grant

How can I find out what funds received from DOE funds relate to?

Usually you will receive an email with remittance information.  If you have any query regarding funds received, please email and quote the school roll no.

Who pays the School Meals Scheme Grant?

The School Meals Grant is paid by the Department of Social Protection.

See link to Financial Guideline P15 – 2021/2022

Does the school meals grant require a separate bank account?

Schools receiving school meals scheme funding in excess of €10,000 per annum are required to set up a bank account specifically for school meals. This applies to new entrants to the scheme also.

The Dept. of Social Protection will seek bank statements as part of the annual application process in addition to the income and expenditure account.

What is the Standardised Testing Grant?

Standardised testing is carried out in May for 2nd, 4th, and 6th classes. The Standardised Testing Grant is €5.10 per pupil, minimum of €140 per school. It is generally a ring-fenced grant.  However, as there are no tests for younger pupils, junior primary schools may treat it as a general grant. It was not paid in 2020 because of COVID-19.

How do we return unspent Covid 19 grants to the Department?

Returning Unspent COVID-19 Grants

Any unspent COVID-19 Capitation related grants for the 22/23 School Year should be returned by schools to the Department’s bank account by electronic funds transfer by 30th September 2023.

See link to Financial Guideline P01 2023/2024

There is no requirement to return the Covid 19 Minor Works Grant at this time.

Calculating Unspent COVID-19 Grants

This Unspent COVID 19 Grant Calculator can help you calculate how much unspent COVID-19 Capitation should be returned.


Department Bank Account Details Branch Name & Address Danske Bank, 3 Harbourmaster Place, IFSC, Dublin 1, D01 K8F1
Account Name PMG Gen Remittance
Account Number 10001155
Sort Code 95-15-99


IBAN IE16 DABA 9515 9910 0011 55
Message/Legend to be used for the account to which the payment is being lodged COVIDREFUND2223 immediately followed by School Roll No. e.g. COVIDREFUND222331245A
Email address to which details of the refund to be returned should be sent
Details for inclusion in the email a) Subject line – School roll no. followed by COVIDREFUND b) Total amount being returned

c) Name and phone number for contact purposes


If you have a query that is not addressed in these FAQs, please email us at