Fundraising from the public is an essential and valuable source of revenue for many schools. It is critical that schools carry out all fundraising from the public in an open, transparent, honest, respectful and accountable manner.

The board of management must develop and agree a fundraising from the public policy. The policy must be reviewed annually and updated where necessary. The board of management must approve the fundraising activities of the school for the coming year.
> Further Guidance on fundraising
> Guidance on the nominal codes for fundraising income and expenditure


Small raffles do not require a lottery license provided ticket sales and the announcement of results take place during the event and there are no cash prizes. Larger raffles, lotteries and prize draws are all governed by legislation and will be subject to a Lottery License under the Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1956. If you are unsure what legal permits or license may be required, you can contact your local Garda station for guidance.
> Click here for more information on permits


  1. Further Guidance on fundraising
  2. Sample Fundraising from the public policy
  3. Fundraising chart of accounts codes explained
  4. Accounting treatments
  5. Charities Regulator Guidance on Fundraising 

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Parents Association