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Autumn 2024 Webinars

1. Year End 2023/2024 – Preparation: Essential Checklist

Date held: Wednesday 21st August

This webinar provided guidance on updating the August Year End accounts. The preparation checklist ensures all bank reconciliations are completed, petty cash, credit card and cash control accounts, online payment solutions, payroll journals, VAT and RCT journals, income received in advance and grants received in advance.

> Watch webinar recording

2. Year End 2023/2024 – Processing Year End Adjustments and Reviewing Reports
Date held: 11th of September

This webinar covered adjustments for grants in advance and unspent grant as well as reviewing the general ledger and reports (Key Issues for the August 2024 Accounts).

> Watch webinar recording

3. New Financial Year
Date held: Thursday 26th September

New Financial Year 2024/2025: An overview including reporting to the BOM at month end and updating of chart of accounts.

> Watch webinar recording

4. Preparation and Processing of the Year End 2023/2024

Date held: Wednesday 23rd October

Working with the Accountant to finalise the year end.

> Watch webinar recording here