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Getting started

To begin you will need the following:

  • Final accounts for previous years
  • Year to date accounts
  • Expected pupil enrolment numbers
  • Plans /goals for coming year

Begin with revenue – determine total resources available and identify all revenue sources.

  • Department of Education Grants
  • Other State Income
  • School Generated income
  • Other income to fund day to day spending such as Parents’ contributions, voluntary subscriptions and fundraising (Revenue for Capital Spending is considered separately).

Gather all information regarding all possible expenditures – distinguish between essential or unavoidable spending and discretionary spending. Do not consider any items of capital spending (e.g. new computers or furniture) at this stage.

  • Salaries
  • Education Other
  • Repairs, Maintenance and Establishment
  • Administration
  • Finance

Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure is expenditure of a once off nature rather than recurring. The purpose is to acquire an asset or advantage of a lasting nature for the enduring benefit of the school. Identify capital receipts which may be available to finance capital expenditure.

  • State grants
  • Fundraising
  • Parents’ contributions
  • Donations

Next steps

Approval of the budget

  • Once the budget has been finalised it need to be approved by the board of management and noted in the minutes.
  • It should then be forwarded to the patron / trustee for approval if requested.


  • The budget should be imported on to the schools’ accounts system to monitor the income and expenditure on an ongoing basis
  • The variances ie I&E v’s Budget analysis will help to identify any overspends and enable the board to take action to prevent any further losses.

> Further guidance on school budgeting