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Schools are permitted to have a credit card.

The Principal is to be the only credit cardholder.
If the board of management decides that it requires a credit card for the school, this must be formally approved by the board. This approval should be included in the minutes of the board meeting.

Before a credit card is applied for, the board must first seek approval from the patron/trustees.
In the case of a Community & Comprehensive school approval must be obtained from the Department of Education The application form below should be completed and submitted patron/trustee or the Department of Education. An application to a bank for a school credit card should not be made until approval from the patron/trustee/Department of Education has been granted.

The board must develop a written credit card policy that sets out the reasons why the school needs a credit card in the first place, and also sets out the controls and procedures in place to manage the use of a credit card.

A credit card policy should be developed and adopted by the board of management. The policy should set out the limit, principles, terms and conditions and procedures governing the issue, use, administration and retention of the school credit card. See below link to a sample policy.

  • As card holder the Principal is responsible for the proper use of the card in line with the boards policy. The Principal is responsible for the safe custody of the card and security of the card details.
  • The credit card should only be used for bona fide school purposes where the expenditure cannot be met through existing financial processes, as per the policy.
  • The credit card statement should be accompanied by proper receipts for all expenditure i.e., the transaction receipt is required, (a card machine receipt is insufficient).
    The credit card statement and supporting documentation should be signed off each month by the chairperson of the board.

• Debit cards are not permitted to be used by schools in any circumstances.

Sample Forms & Templates
> Credit Card Policy Template
> Credit Card Policy Template – Irish
> Approval form for a School Credit Card

> Approval form for a School Credit Card – Irish

Further Guidance
> Financial Guideline 24 of 2024/2025 for further info on controls on the use of school credit card.